In Sevkar community of Tavush marz, the award ceremony of the community competition of environmental-related business ideas among families took place.
The competition was initiated within the framework of the project “Implementation of a participatory financial approach for socio-economic development in Tavush” (“Promotion of Ecocorridors in the South Caucasus – 2” project).
The ideas had to be related to innovative solutions for ecotourism, development of different tourism destinations, collection of natural goods, solution of human-wildlife conflict, reasonable and sustainable use of forests and natural resources and aimed at ensuring stable income, characteristic of the given settlement and resistant to seasonality.
14 family applications were submitted to the competition, 6 of which met the criteria of the competition.
By the decision of the jury, the following applicants were recognized as winners of the competition:
Winner: Emma Shahnazaryan (70,000 AMD).
The idea: organization of tourist excursions and thematic master-classes for the purpose of wild collection and recognition of medicinal plants.
Winner: Gohar Mkrtumyan (70,000 AMD).
The idea: organization of historical and cultural campaigns of Sevkar community.
Winner: Edgar Ordinyan (70,000 AMD).
The idea: cultivation of seedlings of grain fruits, sale of the crop in fresh or dry form.
Winner: Mher Yeganyan (100,000 AMD).
The idea: create eco-trails and observation points to monitor the movement of wild animals.
Winner: Seno Siradeghyan (100,000 AMD).
The idea: production of environmentally friendly eco-wood.
Winner: Mekhak Babajanyan (150,000 AMD).
The idea: timber in the community’s uncultivated land
establishment of a supporting farm.
This competition is implemented by the World Wide Fund for Nature’s Armenia office within the framework of the “Implementation of a Participatory Financial Approach for Socio-Economic Development in Armenia” component of the “Promotion of Eco-Corridors in the South Caucasus – II” program. The project is implemented in Tavush marz with the partnership of “Youth Cooperation Center of Dilijan” NGO.