Project for creation and sustainable development of eco-corridors in Tavush marz
From September 2022, the 2nd phase of the “Eco-corridors Project in the South Caucasus” program “Promotion of Eco-corridors in the Caucasus-2” started with the funds provided by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany through the KFW Development Bank.
The goal of the project in Armenia is to preserve ecological corridors in some marzes of the country, including Tavush marz (Gosh, Haghartsin, Teghut, Sevkar and Yenokavan), through the sustainable use of the natural environment and development of communities, contributing to the interconnection of protected areas and supporting the increase of ecological stability of communities. Residents of communities with eco-corridors are also involved in some activities using the “Participatory Financial Approach” (PFA) toolkit.
The goal of FPA is to create processes that are constructive, inclusive and participatory at the family, community and regional levels.
FPA engages the local population to solve their own development problems by themselves using direct financing, participation in competitions and financial rewards, training.
The program will provide an opportunity for community residents to participate in coming up with an idea, getting financial help and making that idea a reality.” It helps people identify and test development activities.
The program provides long-term financial resources for the management of community-based natural resources in ecological corridors and improves the socio-economic situation of local communities in these eco-corridors.