“Let’s create” a small grant program is being implemented in Koghb town of Tavush region within the framework of DATA program, under the leadership of Meri Muradyan, who is one of the participants of the training course “Youth Participation in policy development processes ” and got the opportunity to apply her capabilities in practice.
The aim of the project is the cooperation of the youth and local self-government through the solution of the community problem. 20 young people participating in the project met with the community leader, who introduced them to the community implemented and planned programs. There were also discussions on issues concerning young people and ways to solve them. For example, young people find Replenishment of the library with books of modern literature important, as well as, establishment of a playground for young people and capacity development center. They also touched upon development issues in cultural and sports spheres. The head of the community recorded the issues raised and presented suggestions, and found it necessary to hold regular meetings with young people.
“DATA: Data for Accountable and Transparent Action” program is implemented with the support of DATA Consortium (Eurasia Partnership Foundation, SOCIES Expertise Center, Bun TV Foundation, Youth Cooperation Center of Dilijan NGO, SOSE Women’s Issues NGO) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)).