Another successful meeting aimed at the development of women’s entrepreneurship skills was held on July 16 at the office of the “Youth Cooperation Center of Dilijan” NGO, within the framework of the “Women Entrepreneurship and Leadership Learning Camp” program.
The main aim of the meeting was to conduct a workshop among the participating women and girls, which will bring them one step closer to realizing their business ideas.
The meeting was facilitated by field experts Lilit Arzoyan and Silva Mantashyan, who at this stage spared no effort to support and guide the participants towards the realization of their goals.

Since the courses are mostly held on the online platform, holding such meetings is an incentive for the participants to get to know each other better, as well as to try to work together in a different format.
This year-long program was a wonderful opportunity for women who are unemployed or unable to work due to their family status.

Many business ideas have been received during the project, and steady and detailed work is being done to strengthen them.
It should be noted that now the mentoring phase is being carried out, during which each participant individually consults with a business expert, with whose help the strengths and weaknesses of the participant’s business ideas are reviewed.
“Women Entrepreneurship Leadership Learning Camp” is funded through a Department of State Public Diplomacy Section grant, and the opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendations expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of State.