Project Partners:
- Youth Cooperation Center of Dilijan, NGO, Armenia
- Consorzio Leonardo, Italy
- International Educational Centre GEMS, Czech Republic
- Civic Initiative, Georgia
Project Description: RECORD – Raising the entrepreneurial capacity of youth for rural development
Youth unemployment is widespread across Europe and Eastern Partnership Region. The discrepancy between capitals and rural areas: youth in rural, remote, or secondary urban areas are hit even stronger by the lack of employment opportunities. Yet rural territories have much potential to play to revitalize their communities, especially in the regions of Tavush, Lori, Shirak (Armenia), and Kakheti (Georgia) of our interest. Rooted in stunning landscapes, sprinkled by a high diversity of cultural heritage these regions feature strong development opportunities through cultural and eco-tourism.
RECORD offers the following elements for rural development through entrepreneurship:
A sustainable model for rural development
A sustainable model for rural development using local potentials- the model of rural development proposed in our project is grass-root, community-based and community-led.
Rural youth as key actors
Rural youth as key actors – providing opportunities for rural youth and communities is necessary to tackle rural exodus. Providing entrepreneurship education and local and international partnerships in a rural context in Armenia and in Georgia.
Global Dimension
We use an international approach to address youth unemployment and the lack of opportunities in rural contexts. By learning expertise and know-how from our EU partner organizations and also engaging rural youth in Armenia and in Georgia in a successful collaborative learning process.
Project Activities:
Competence Development Program
The competence development program on entrepreneurship education (EE) is composed of three mobility activities- Training Course, Study Visit, Training of Trainers and Publication of a toolbox on simulation gaming to stimulate entrepreneurial skills. Below you can see video reportage of the conducted mobility activities.
Entrepreneurship Education – Fostering youth entrepreneurship in the handicraft and ecotourism sector – Training Course
Training Course “Entrepreneurship Education – Fostering youth entrepreneurship in the handicraft and ecotourism sector” (mobility) was first training course within RECORD. The participants of training course were trained on Entrepreneurial Education its aims, content and tools, following the entrepreneurship competence framework and got acquainted with success stories of rural youth entrepreneurship in handicrafts and ecotourism.
Youth Entrepreneurship in The Field Of Eco-Tourism And Handicraft – Study Visit
Study Visit “Youth Entrepreneurship in the field of eco-tourism and handicraft” was organized from 16-21 of June 2019. The youth workers from Armenia, Georgia, Czech Republic, and Italy have attended a study-visit to explore a wide range of youth and social enterprises in handicrafts, craftsmanship, and ecotourism in Pordenone (Italy) where many social SMEs in the fields of fabric, leather, wood carving, ceramic, ecotourism, and 2 creative industry hubs are located.
Training of Trainers on Youth Entrepreneurship Education
From 22-30 Octber, 2019 the TOT on Entrepreneurship Education gathered youth trainers and youth workers from Armenia, Czechia, Italy, and Georgia to raise their capacity to plan and implement Non-Formal Education programs on youth entrepreneurship in a local or international context. During the TOT participants practiced a card game on entrepreneurship -Entre-Train. Training of Trainers on youth entrepreneurship education is part of long term project RECORD.
RECORD is a two-year project, co-financed under the “Erasmus +” Youth Capacity Building Program aimed to develop the capacity of youth organizations in the Eastern Partnership region in the field of entrepreneurship education by supporting the development of local youth potential. The project is implemented by a consortium of four organizations in EU and Eastern Partnership regions: “Youth Cooperation Center of Dilijan” NGO (project coordinator), “Civic Initiative” NGO Georgia, “Consortia Leonardo” Italy and “JAMES” International Training Center, Czech Republic.